Case Study

Digital Marketing for TT Group

Generate 300+ high quality leads every month consistently and mint revenue upto 2.6 crores within 6 months.


With 35 years of industry experience, TT Group is India’s No.1 Logistics Company dominating the global market. They offer services including trucking, air logistics, freight management, etc.

The Struggle

Though they have invested crores on technology to optimise their business operations, TT Group didn’t have a clear plan to market themselves. 

They are a hardcore B2B company and they assumed that their customers are not online.

We helped TT Group generate 300+ high quality leads every month consistently and mint revenue upto 2.6 crores within 6 months.
Facebook 85%
YouTube 95%
Instagram 75%
Google Ads 75%
SEO 75%

Leverage LinkedIn to target C-Level executives and engage them with compelling creatives. Dissect competitor’s marketing strategy and notch up our marketing strategy.

Leads Generate
0 +
Ad Spent
0 L
0 L
0 L
Revenue Generated
Months Duration

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