Top Reasons Why to Focus More on Website UX Design

In this day and age, it is extremely important for your website to be as user-friendly as possible. Many website owners focus more on the “look” of their website than they do on its usability. If your website is difficult to use, your conversion rate will go down and you will lose customers. If you want to get more people to visit your website and keep them there long enough to buy something from you, you need to make sure the experience your users have while on your site is as positive as possible.

On the whole, a good/better customer experience is far more important (from a sales perspective) than a good looking website. So, what is it that makes up a good website experience? A good website experience is one

In this day and age, it is extremely important for your website to be as user-friendly as possible. Many website owners focus more on the “look” of their website than they do on its usability. If your website is difficult to use, your conversion rate will go down and you will lose customers. If you want to get more people to visit your website and keep them there long enough to buy something from you, you need to make sure the experience your users have while on your site is as positive as possible.

On the whole, a good/better customer experience is far more important (from a sales perspective) than a good looking website. So, what is it that makes up a good website experience? A good website experience is one where the visitor finds what he’s looking for quickly and easily. It’s also one where the visitor enjoys the experience and may even come back

In this blog, we are going to discuss the top reasons why you should focus more on improving your website’s user experience.

1. Improving Your Website's UX Will Increase Your Sales

The first element of a great website user experience is good copy. If you want to sell something on your website, you need a good, clean copy. Having a good copy on your website is at least as important as having a “killer” website design. Good copy helps draw attention to your website. If people read your website and find it difficult to understand, they will quickly become frustrated and stop reading. This will happen even if your website looks great. The truth is, if your website is not easy to read, people will not give it a chance no matter how great the website design is.

On the other hand, if your website has a good copy, your website will get read and, if it is not an obvious winner, you can use other tactics to “pump up” the excitement and convince visitors to buy from you. One example of this would be to add “buzz words” in your headlines and/or bullet points which will “excite” your readers and make them want to continue reading your copy. Another example would be to intersperse your sales pitches with a few well written “killer” sentences that will grab your reader’s attention. And, once they understand it, it will be much more likely that they will be willing to buy something from you.

2. Improving Your Website's UX Will Increase Your Search Engine Rankings

If your website has a clear, easy-to-read design that has “lots of eyeballs” on it, it will get ranked higher by the search engines. If it is not clear, easy-to-read, your chances of ranking high (or even at all) will be greatly diminished. In fact, there is now empirical evidence to suggest that poor website design (including awful website copy) is actually the number one reason why people do not rank well in search engines. If you do not have a clear calls-to-action, your site will be difficult (if not impossible) for search engines to “understand.” This will result in lower rankings for your website.

To conclude, a website with great usability tends to be more valuable to users and thus to search engines. Search engines place a lot of value on websites with high usability because these websites tend to get more traffic. This means higher rankings for those websites which, in turn, means more visitors and more sales for you!

3. Improving Your Website's UX Will Improve Your Reputation

Positive experiences create word-of-mouth publicity. When your prospects or customers talk to their friends, family, colleagues or associates about how great your website is, this will reflect positively on you and your business. This means more business for you!

Equally important, a good or great website experience will make your customers feel good about doing business with you. They’ll trust you and feel good about giving you their business. And that means happy customers who will recommend you to others and bring you more business than you can handle.

Final Thought

People do NOT buy from websites. No. People buy from people. And, if you want to sell something to a person, you must persuade them to buy from you. Persuade them with benefits, not features. The best website experience (UX) is one in which the visitor has no clue they are on a website. They should be able to browse without being aware they are doing so.

Again, the goal is to make the sale, not to impress with how much you know about websites. In this blog, we have imparted some of the most important reasons why you should improve your website’s UX design. Hopefully, you have learned something new that will dramatically improve the profit potential of your website.

Consequently, you should act on what you have just read and immediately start improving your website’s UX design. We can help you. We are one of the best website UX design companies in India and, if you hire us, we will make your website much more profitable. Evidently, we are the best because our clients keep coming back to us for more work!

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